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Kashkaval Cheese

Kashkaval is a type of yellow cheese made of cow milk , sheep or both. The term is often used to refer to all yellow cheese . 

Its structure is semi hard. 

Kashkaval is a traditional food used in most the breakfast pastry. 

You can grilled Kashkaval as slice on breed topped. 


Some type of Kashkaval with in the texture medium and semi hard. 


The semi hard Kashkaval may be similar to the others yellow cheeses , such as the Swiss Emmental cheese . In Dutch Goud , and the British Cheddar. 


The yellow cheese Kashkaval is often an extra component in various meals and is widely used in cooking. 

In parallel, it is among the main food products suitable for immediate eating. 


Kashkaval can be widely used for Pizza, Sandwiches , Salads , Macaroni and Spaghetti.... 




Cheese is dairy product made from milk, produced in a variety of shapes, textures and flavors

Throughout history, cheese has been an important part of the human diet, both as a dietary staple and a gourmet food.

In addition to being delicious, it is highly nutritious and very rich in several vitamins and minerals.

The color can be yellow, white and green, and the consistency can range from hard to soft, depending on the type.






Cheese is an excellent source of protein. One thick slice of cheddar cheese (28 g) contains about 6.7 g of protein, which is similar to what you get from a glass of milk.

The majority of proteins in cheese belong to a family of milk proteins called casein.

Milk proteins are of excellent quality, rich in essential amino acids, and highly digestible.

Casein is the largest family of proteins in milk, the most abundant of which is alpha-casein.

It has some unique health effects and may promote lower blood pressure and increased absorption of minerals from the digestive tract .




The fat content of cheese is highly variable, depending on the type of cheese. It can range from 1% in cottage cheese to 34% or higher in cream cheese.  

Cheese fat is highly complex, containing hundreds of different fatty acids. It is very high in saturated fat  (70%), but also provides a fair amount of monounsaturated fat.




The   carbohydrate content of cheese is very variable, depending on the brand, type, and stage of maturation.

The major carbohydrate in milk is lactose (milk sugar). During cheese production, some of the lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose. 

However, the extent of lactose breakdown depends on the type of cheese. Lactose tends to be low in aged cheese, such as cheddar but higher in fresh cheese, such as cream cheese and cottage cheese. Therefore, moderate consumption of well ripened cheese is usually well tolerated by those with lactose intolerance. 


4- Vitamins and Minerals :


Cheese is a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals. This is not surprising, given that an entire cup of milk is used to produce 1 slice of cheese.


Calcium: Cheese is among the richest dietary sources of calcium, which plays an essential role in bone health.


Vitamin B12: Also called cobalamin, vitamin B12 is important for the function of the nervous system .


Sodium: Added to cheese to increase shelf life and taste. Small amounts are naturally present in milk.


Phosphorus: An essential mineral widely available in foods, especially processed foods, and its intake is high in the Western diet .


Selenium: Cheese is a good source of selenium, a dietary mineral with several important functions in the body .


Zinc: An essential trace element that serves a diversity of functions .


Riboflavin: Also called vitamin B2. Cheese and other dairy products are the main dietary source of riboflavin in the Western diet .


Vitamin A : One of the most abundant vitamins in milk fat.


Vitamin K 2 : Cheese is often an excellent source  of vitamin K 2.



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